July 26, 2021 admin

#3 Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – Trauma History

If you have not known Jesus yet, believe in Him today. Believe that He had died on the cross for the forgiveness of your sins, that through His blood and through His righteous works on earth there is eternal life. His deep love can heal your trauma history, just as He is doing to me. His love had built my worthiness back.

Dearest Jesus, You had shown me my mansion in heaven, that You have prepared a place for me in which I can call home near Your altar. With this encouragement, You are healing me, giving me worthiness that I had lost when I had been traumatized by abusers in the past. You told me that through the dreams, visions and words, they were speaking to me directly as you have said. The desire of my heart is to be nearest to You for an eternity ahead, that I would have a heart of pure gold.


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